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About us

Leapfrog e.V. is a non governmental and non-profit organisation registerd in Germany. We are striving to close various “digital gaps”: between the global South and North, between the sexes, age groups and urban-rural areas. To achieve this, we support our local partner organizations in providing access to the digital world and high quality IT education courses. We want everyone to be able to shape globalisation in a self-determined and informed way.

IT as a tool to “empower”

We see IT as a tool to empower people. IT opens access to knowledge and information, it simplifies networking, mutual learning and facilitates access to qualified jobs.

Our partners

Leapfrog e.V. is member of Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (BER), the regional network of NGOs working in the field of development aid in Berlin and “The African Network of Germany” (TANG).

Leapfrog is CISCO Networking Academy and is currently preparing enrollment of the Networking Academy programme in Kenya.

We thank our partners Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken, Stiftung Umverteilen, Stiftung Eudim and Deutsche Bahn Stiftung for their continous financial support to our projects and Betterplace for supporting our fundraising.

Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag