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New projects

We are working in Buea, Cameroon, where we provide trainings on WordPress and digital marketing in partnership with the Cameroonian NGO ActivSpaces. The trainings aim to to enable young, unemployed or precariously employed people in the conflict-affected country to have a stable income, also in times of crisis and lockdowns.

Students in the WordPress class are working on tasks in group work

Our new project in Bukedea district in Uganda aims to make 50 teachers digitally fit so that they can pass on this competence to their students. We closely collaborate with the NGO ADEGO that runs the Fast Internet Center in Bukedea.

Training students and teachers in ADEGO Fast Internet Center in Bukedea
In the Fast Internet and ICT Centre, ADEGO provides access to the internet and IT education for the community

In Mathare, a so-called “informal settlement” in Kenya’s capital Nairobi, we provide basic IT education to young people in the “Glimmer of Hope” community library. Besides Office and other basics, we teach how to securely browse through the internet and make use of the opportunities the Net provides and how the community can use digital technologies to draw attention to their interests and concerns.

Thanks to a hardware donations we could equip the community library in Mathare with laptops