Without women, nothing would work in agriculture in Kpassa in the Nkwanta North District, Oti Region in Ghana. They do the field work, process the agricultural products such as tomatoes, cassava or peanuts and sell them on the market. However, they have little control over the value chains and often earn little income. Yet the market in Kpassa offers potential for digital marketing of agricultural products, and with the women’s cooperative there is a structure that can support this process. Simple apps for agriculture and agribusiness allow women to make informed decisions and thus operate more economically. Together with the women’s cooperative Lineenbaal and the local NGO Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD), we wanted to change the situation for the many female farmers. Funded by the Migration and Diaspora Program of GIZ, we introduced women farmers to digital technologies and showed them ways to market their products online between September 2021 and February 2022. The latter was done through a train-the-trainer approach, so that FARIAD can now accompany the women in the further steps.